Saturday, October 22, 2022

Internal World

 Feeling nostalgic as I stumbled across my old blog site with three contents written back in 2012. Going through those writings takes me back to those days of utter confusion, frustration, and violence. What a guy i was back then, rebellious but not courageous. 

Today things have changed. Married with three kids and my mind has turned around. It’s no more about dreaming to achieve. In fact, i hardly have been daydreaming of becoming this or that. Just living life as it comes. A sense of sufficiency has come in with a tinge of joy and fulfillment. Life has taken an inward turn; a project of lifetime has finally started. Every phase of the project is a moment of gratitude and surrender. I am no more the doer. I am no more myself anymore. 

Grace has dawn in. Life is effortless, carefree, and relaxed. :)

P.S. I will continue writing on this blog moving forward.